April 2008
Website Refresh
Yes, another website
refresh is now live.
Morris Associates, another company in our Group, had
one of our older websites, going back to when we started up a long
while back.
Although the site was performing really well in terms of search
engine positioning and speed of loading, it was lacking in visual
impact so we developed a new site with the same content running side
to side with the existing one, using one of the other domain names
we had registered on their behalf.
The site features the usual information: setting out the services
provided, details of previous appointments, staff profiles, ways to
contact the company, an online bookstore and a legal news feed page.
To make the site more attractive, it also includes a slideshow of
photographs of projects Morris Associates has been involved with.
The site is another that can be updated remotely thanks to a content
management system.
March 2008
Website Refresh and Rebranding
We've just taken another client's website
refresh live.
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, East Anglia Branch had
neglected their website recently and coincidentally their
headquarters had revamped their logos and colourways, so the
opportunity for a redesign and refresh at the same time as a major
update presented itself.
Their new site features pages for the committee, forthcoming
events, details of past events back to 1998 and an online booking
form for evening events and seminars.
The site can also be updated remotely thanks to a content
management system.
February 2008
An Actor's Website Launched
We've just taken another new client's web site live.
That Actor is a website we've prepared for an actor looking for
TV, film and presenter roles.
The site features pages for his biography, some sample photos that are displayed in
a JavaScript slide-show, a contact form to try to limit the
amount of spam he receives and a blog for his news articles.
Future updates will include multimedia galleries showing the
client's showreel and appearances.
Other Website Updates
We're currently working on a completely new look for an existing
client's website to suit their revised branding. This is an
extensive re-working and shows the client's continuing satisfaction
with our service.
January 2008
Another Client Site Launched
We've just taken another new client's web site live.
South Eastern Courts carry out renovation and maintenance of
tennis courts throughout the south east of England and wanted a site
with some details and examples of their services and the facility
for potential clients to contact them.
The site we've made for them
features pages for a brief introduction, outline details of their
services with some sample photos of their work that are displayed in
a JavaScript slide-show and a contact form to try to limit the
amount of spam they receive.
Older News