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December 2001

Phew! Well the virtual tour's been done - despite's Microsoft's best efforts to make viewing QuickTime movie files an effort - but this site is still awaiting final body copy from the Client so we can't show it to you yet - not long now, though.

This year we decided not to send out our printed Wymondham Christmas cards but instead to donate their cost to some beneficial use, so we chose the St. Martins Housing Trust's Norwich Night Shelter for their excellent work; on 22 December 2001 we delivered chocolates, luxury biscuits, ladies' and gents.' toiletries and Tesco and Boots vouchers to the shelter. We did, however, nip out with the camera to make a virtual card for Clients.

Finally, a new Client whose designers and hosts had gone bust. We took some source files and made the site work again in a few days. The site will go live on our servers in the first week of January 2001.


November 2001

November's been very hectic indeed. A lot of updates to our Clients' sites - mainly Tony Bingham, Fenwick Elliott and the Association for Project Management - as well as the roll-out of the new .biz and .info domain names.

To be frank, the .biz roll-out hasn't been handled well in our opinion and we're getting embroiled in an IP battle with the registrars over one or maybe both (who knows? NeuLevel Inc. can't seem to let us know) of the relevant domain names we filed IP claims for. We'll see.

A further wrinkle is that even though the .biz name you want does not show up in a whois search - see our domain names page - that name may have what NeuLevel (they can't even spell 'new', it seems, or are they just being luvvies?) refer to as Registry Reserve Status.

That's enough ranting for now...

Towards the end of the month, we'll be visiting our trade-only antiques dealer Client to prepare the virtual tour of their premises. Watch this space for the results!


October 2001

e-Business Weeke-Business Week Event

Web Designersdesigns, manages, hosts and is the major sponsor of the Wymondham Business web site, a local directory and web portal for businesses in and around Wymondham in Norfolk.

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's UK Online for Business initiative, e-Business Week will take place during 8 - 12 October 2001.

Our ongoing commitment to the local community has led us to an association with the Wymondham Development partnership. We took part in the "Light Byte" Business Breakfast hosted by Business Byte and the Oaktree Partnership. The format was a series of (very) short presentations from Business Byte, NEAT, Wymondham Learning Initiative and Wymondham Business Website - that's us!

For further information, please visit the Wymondham Business web site News section.

On 12 October, Broadland 102 - our local radio station - featured us for their Donut Run (and very nice they were too!). Thanks very much, Donna - it was a pleasure.


July 2001

More new Clients sign up with Web Designers

Two news Clients this month: a wood flooring company in East Anglia wanting a web presence and a trade-only antiques dealer. Details to follow in due course.


June 2001

Gosh, what happened to May?

Well we're pleased to say that May (and indeed most of June) has passed with a blur as we're very busy - bucking the industry norm from what we hear - working on new sites and updating many others.

New Clients include the Major Projects Adjudication Group and discussions on content delivery for some of our other large Clients continue.

We're also working closely with a Client to enable their web site to provide instant on-line quotes for conveyancing: more on this in due course.


April 2001

New Clients sign up with Web Designers

Project Managers Needlemans-CMC and barrister Ian Leeming QC are the latest Clients to join our portfolio. Once copy information is provided, we will be working on their sites to add to our ever-increasing Client List.


February 2001

Wymondham Business web site launched.

The new portal for businesses within Wymondham has been launched. Its purpose is to provide a launch pad for e-commerce within the market town and is supported by town and district councils.

The launch was featured in the local and regional press and has attracted a lot of interest within the local business community.

Read more about it here.


Web Designers at the UK Online for Business Launch

UK Online for BusinessThe DTI's UK online for business provides small businesses with impartial advice on using Information and Communications Technologies.

Having been appointed by the DTI as a partner, we will be exhibiting at the launch of the initiative in Norwich on 22 February 2001.

Read more about it here.


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